St Andrews Drive

Rankinfraser were appointed by JM Architects to work on this new housing project for the Southside Housing Association in Glasgow. The site for the proposed housing is an existing housing estate constructed circa 1970 in Pollockshields. The overall landscape concept proposes a dialogue between the existing site features and the proposed landscape interventions. The building blocks of this approach are firstly, the insertion of new public streets and spaces in accordance where possible with the shared surface design guidance from the Scottish Government policy document, designing Streets. These spaces focus pedestrian movement towards the new development area. Secondly, the retention of as many of the existing trees as possible to ensure that the site’s character is retained. Finally, the proposed landscape between the new buildings and private areas increases the relationship between buildings and its adjacent landscape. The landscape proposals for each area provides character and differentiating identity.

Client: Southside Housing Association

Architect: JM Architects


Phase 1: Completed 2019

Phase 2: On-going


Fraser Avenue


Kesson Court