Prestonpans War Memorial

rankinfraser landscape architecture were successful in the East Lothian Council tender for the project ‘Improvement to Prestonpans War Memorial’. Subsequently, design development along with extensive dialogue and consultation with East Lothian Council and the Prestonpans Community Council, as key project stakeholders, has resulted in proposals which promote the rich cultural, industrial and natural heritage of the area. The improvements to the Memorial Space, the John Muir Way and the beach act as a signifier of change, and a catalyst for further improvements to Prestonpans High Street

rankinfraser’s approach is built on the following principles; To prioritise Rhind’s beautiful and evocative memorial via an enhanced setting, providing a ‘noble threshold’ to the sculpture via a restrained, carefully detailed, simple and cohesive ground plane and removal of the existing shelter. To improve its setting by appropriately incorporating the beautiful and expansive views of the Firth of Forth and Fife beyond, making these views accessible to all for the first time. A more cohesive relationship between the upper memorial space, the lower spaces, the John Muir Way, and the beach beyond is created. 

Client: East Lothian Council

Status: Completed

